2010 First paintings with acrylic color
2020 During covid-19 pandemic intense occupation with painting
Switching to the use of oilcolors
Intense learning of portrait painting techniques
2023 Completion of basic education as doctor, decision to make a living from art
2023, December Release of own website and onlineshop: www.safj.art
2024, 01.-28. Februar First solo exhibion of 46 of my paintings in Gleis//Garten Vienna
2024, February First sold paintings
2024, March 19 – May 7 Exhibition at Humanitas Apotheke 1210 Vienna with 12 paintings
2024, May 27 Admission into the "Professional Association of Fine Artists Austria"
("Berufsvereinigung der bildenden Künstler Österreichs")
13.07-01. 10. 2024 Exhibition of the painting "springboard" in Gasthaus Failler in Drosendorf
20.07.- dato Stock of postcards "springboard" at Terassenbad in Drosendorf
03.10.2024 Prelude at State Parliament of Lower Austria- 1 Painting
19.-20. 10. 2024 "Tage der offenen Ateliers 2024", Johannesgasse 11a, 2011 Sierndorf shared exhibition of Ana Bulajic (sculptures, jewelery), Danica Beyll (hats), Edith Langer (clothing), Sebastian Jensen (painting)
23. 01.-13.02.2025 "cold winter // warm hats" shared exhibition mit Danica Beyll im Atelier Kabllo Postgasse 11, 1010 Vienna. (13 paintings)
16.-22. 06 2025 Upcoming exhibition "Der Sprung ins kühle frische Nass" in Wasserturm Favoriten, 1100 Wien.
I learned everything autodidact. Until this day I have not had any art lessons. Only when encountering problems, difficult to overcome I read more information about specific techniques. This way I developed and held my own painting style.
2023, March Completion basic education as doctor, decision to make a living from art
2021, September Graduation at Medical University Vienna
2021, September Defensio der Diplomarbeit “Investigating the association of iron
parameters with clinical reactivity in pollen allergic women”
2010, June Qualification of university entrance (Matura), at Bundesrealgymnasium GRGII
Franklinstrasse 26
© Sebastian A.F. Jensen. All rights reserved.
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